Individual and Family Health Plans

Are you unsure about how to apply for financial assistance (subsidy), or what information you will need to provide?

Are you uncertain about selecting the best plan that meets your medical, financial, and lifestyle needs?

Are you concerned about whether your doctor’s prescriptions covered and how much you would pay for each?

Do you have a medical condition, i.e. diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and would like a peace of mind to know if and how it’s covered?

At Jayman Insurance Agency, we have a team of licensed specialist ready to relieve you of the burden of choosing the best health insurance plan. First, your dedicated specialist will help you apply for a tax credit and possibly reduce your monthly premium as low as $0 to $50 per month, depending on certain factors; i.e. your income and family size. Then they will conduct needs analysis to pinpoint exactly what benefits are important to be in your plan. Next, your specialist will verify that your doctors and prescriptions are covered. From there, your dedicated specialist will narrow your options down to the best plan that will meet your medical, financial budget and lifestyle needs.

Keep in mind that using your tax credit is optional. You can always opt to pay the full cost of your plan if you desire.

Working with Jayman Insurance Agency will equip you with an always available “guide by your side.” Someone you can reach out to anytime with questions about your plans, benefits or anything else concerning your insurance coverage.